Killing gang members Enable the "Bodog Stampede" code. Then, go after the gangs with it. The gun will have unlimited ammunition and enough armor to take them all out. If you run low on your vehicle's health, enable the "Repair vehicle" code. However, you must move your Hummer once in awhile or they will pull you out. This also is very useful when taking over the storehouses because of all the armor it has. Brad Hudson.
Dancing Tony Go to the Babylon Club. Go to the main area and hold L1. Tony will start to dance. You can also make Tony spin by pressing R1.
Get stronger weapons earlier Some characters like the assassin and enforcer have stronger weapons. For example, play as the enforcer. Call for one of Tony's cars. once it arrives, go to the weapons trunk. Place the grenade launcher in the trunk, tehn switch back to Tony. When you go to the weapons trunk, the grenade launcher will still be there. You can do the same thing with the assassin to get the PSG-1. |